The INOTA Festival marks a significant milestone in Hungarian cultural life, offering a new, exciting, and grandiose audiovisual experience set within the Inota power plant, once a colossal industrial investment now brought back to life. The festival combines music programs with contemporary visual artworks, with a special emphasis on light installations and mappings. Its mission is to revive this impressive brutalist architectural ensemble while also advancing industrial culture. Graphic elements play a significant role, with special emphasis on imagery transforming from unique coal sculptures into crystalline forms, metaphorically symbolizing the revitalization of the power plant and the futuristic atmosphere of the entire event. The unique logo and symbol set were made in collaboration with Nufolklore.

Client NVC, Centrum Productions
Year 2022-2023
Team Nóra Demeczky, Enikő Déri, Bertalan Bessenyey, Vilmos Sas, Péter Tóth, Lili Pammer, Ádám Asztalos, Bendegúz Batke, Zsuzsa Oláh, Anna Szendrei, Panna Eszenyi
Logo & icons Nufolklore, DE_FORM
Photography Laci Kőhegyi, Bence Szemerey, Bertalan Soós, Dániel Besnyő
Video Odesa Films
3D modeling Zsuzsa Oláh
3D animation Patrik Kiss
Web development Csaba Bozzai
Typeface Apfel Grotezk (by Luigi Gorlero)
